Girouard, Audrey wrote:
>>Since you used "LimitExcept" in httpd.conf, it is not placing any limits
>>on the methods you listed (GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT). Since read
>>access requires only these methods, "Requre valid-user" is not taking
>>affect for read access. If this is not what you want, remove the
>>"LimitExcept" tags and just use "Require valid-user" by itself.
>I have left "Require valid-user" by itself.
>I still can't put different groups in my accessfile. I think SVN doesn't
>recognize the users because theses users are the users of my domain.
>Can I put them in different groups? For example, if agirouard and mbouchard
>are two users of my domain, could I do
>developers = agirouard
>docs = mbouchard
>And then assign different level of access? I don't seem to be able to...
Yes, this should work fine. But you either need to use DOMAIN\username,
or use the "SSPIOmitDomain" command.
>And how come the users that can logon are only the one from my domain? I am
>not able to create new users that are "authorized" by the system. Once
>(by htpasswd), even if I put in httpd.conf to look for my passwd file, I get
>"authorization required" error.
Because SSPI doesn't know to "fall back" to htpasswd by default. Here is
my config block, and this works correctly for me. The "AuthAuthoritative
Off" and "SSPIAuthoritative Off" tell Apache to try your AuthUserFile if
SSPI doesn't work.
<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNPath c:/svn_repository/rep
SVNAutoVersioning on
SVNReposName "My Repository"
Require valid-user
AuthName "My Repository"
AuthAuthoritative Off
AuthType SSPI
SSPIOmitDomain On
SSPIOfferBasic On
SSPIAuthoritative Off
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile "C:/svn_repository/auth/users.txt"
AuthzSVNAccessFile "C:/svn_repository/auth/authz.txt"
Received on Tue Jul 13 16:44:25 2004