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[Subclipse-users] RE: SVN ant task

From: Cordier Yann <ycordier_at_prosodie.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 16:48:02 +0200

I have more information on the problem: this is the fact that I'm using antcall which is causing the exception.

If I copy the contents of my subtask in the higher level one, everything works fine.

But in this case, I have to right down the same code multiple times.



De : Cordier Yann
Envoyé : jeudi 19 juin 2008 16:24
À : 'users_at_subclipse.tigris.org'
Objet : SVN ant task


Dear subsclipse team,


I just wrote a little ant script whose main goal is to check whether one have the latest revision of a project or not.

To achieve this, I wrote a sub task that checks the local revision and the latest revision of the root directory of a project using the status command.

Now here is my problem : I am calling this sub task using an <antcall> command in a higher level task and the first time it runs, everything is OK but the second time, it always fail with the following message :


Buildfile: build.xml



      [svn] <Status> started ...

      [svn] <Status> finished.

     [echo] Local revision = 599, trunk revision = 599




build.xml:229: The following error occurred while executing this line:

build.xml:65: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/tigris/subversion/svnclientadapter/svnkit/SvnKitClientAdapterFactory


Total time: 984 milliseconds


I really don't see why it should work the first time if the classpath was really wrong ?

Have you ever encountered such a problem ?


BTW I think I also found a little bug in svnClientAdapter :

In the JhlInfo2 class, the "file" field can be null, for example when instantiated by AbstractJhlClientAdapter at line 1809 : new JhlInfo2(null, info[0]);

Now, the getFile() method of JhlInfo2 doesn't check whether the "file" is null which might conduct to a NullPointerException when calling return file.getCanonicalFile(); at line 61

I have encountered it using the <info> command on the "trunk/" directory of my repository, it is thrown at line 146 of the Info class when trying to get the "path" property.


I hope this might help and thanks for your answers.


Have a nice day,

Yann Cordier


Received on 2008-06-19 16:48:50 CEST

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