Hello Bo,
Yes, your current VisualSVN Server version is linked with Subversion 1.9.7,
and the most recent VisualSVN Server 4.2.2 is linked with Subversion 1.10.6.
Thank you.
On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 5:42 PM Bo Berglund <bo.berglund_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Oct 2020 11:59:53 +0300, Pavel Lyalyakin
> <pavel.lyalyakin_at_visualsvn.com> wrote:
> >Opening cmd.exe and simply running `svn --version` is an incorrect way to
> >find out the version of Subversion the server is built with. This will
> only
> >show the version of the svn.exe client and depending on your %PATH%
> >variable and current directory can show you the version of some other
> >Subversion client (e.g., TortoiseSVN). Run the
> *"%VISUALSVN_SERVER%bin\svn.exe
> >--version"* command instead - it will show you the version of svn.exe
> which
> >comes with VisualSVN Server.
> Here is what I got:
> H:\>"%VISUALSVN_SERVER%bin\svn.exe" --version
> svn, version 1.9.7 (r1800392)
> compiled Nov 21 2017, 12:52:53 on x86_64-microsoft-windows6.1.7601
> and:
> H:\>where svn
> C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\bin\svn.exe
> So it is really the server version I have checked.
> BTW, no client tools will ever be installed on a Windows Server in our
> company, like Tortoise etc.
> --
> Bo Berglund
> Developer in Sweden
With best regards,
Pavel Lyalyakin
VisualSVN Team
Received on 2020-10-06 02:30:18 CEST