Possible bug: "Searching tree conflict details" takes forever
From: Jacob Weber <jacob.weber_at_scivantage.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2020 18:37:07 +0000
Hi there. I'm doing a merge which seems to be doing a very long-running operation (over an hour so far) when it gets to the "Searching tree conflict details" step. I'm wondering if there's any way to avoid this.
I'm merging from a branch X where a directory was removed, into a branch Y where that same directory was removed. In each case, the removal was actually done as part of a reintegrate merge from a different branch.
I can reproduce this every time I revert and restart the merge. Unfortunately I can't share the content of my repository.
The output is something like this:
$ cd branchY
At this point it slowly starts decreasing the revision after "Checking". But it seems to be going through my entire repository history, which will take forever.
Is there any way to avoid this?
Mac OS 10.14.6
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