svn:E155007:None of the tarets are working copies
From: Fairchild, Gregory J - OASAM OCIO CTR <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2019 20:24:59 +0000
Background: We're trying to eliminate all our Solaris 10 servers, so we need to migrate Subversion from a Solaris 10 server to Solaris 11. Current version of apache is 2.2.15 and Subversion is 1.6.11. I built a Solaris 11 server (11.3), installed and configured Subversion and Apache and had it up and running (after some initial errors regarding hook files, permissions, load module, etc). Under 11.3, we were using apache 2.2 (don't remember the rev) and Subversion 1.7. I did a dump/load from the old server to the new server so that users could test. All was working well. Then, before we switched over to the new server as production, 11.4 came out and we patched the new server to that. With 11.4, Oracle removed apache 2.2 and Subversion 1.7 altogether. So we now needed to get apache 2.4 and Subversion 1.9 working. I went through the install and configuration process. There was an initial problem with starting apache. I opened a case with Oracle and they were able to help resolve it by having me add the 'LoadModule dav_module libexec/' to httpd.conf. I also had the following errors:
I was able to correct for these errors by changing from using svnuser:svngrp to webservd:webservd and changing the owner on all the files in the repository and then restarting apache.
Problem: After working through the problems above, Oracle said they really couldn't go further with support as it was outside of their scope. The problem I have now is:
Checking in new files still given the error.
The commit seems to be working, but the post-commit does not.
User is using Tortoise vs 1.7.15. I have had another user try with Tortoise 1.11. I have had the user try to create a new working copy and still get the same error.
In addition to the LoadModule above, I am also loading the following:
In addition to changing the user/group, other httpd.conf changes are:
DAV svn
Post-commit looks like this:
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
Greg Fairchild
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