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Re: svn add option to record replaced files as modified?

From: Stefan Sperling <stsp_at_elego.de>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 12:52:21 +0200

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 11:01:59AM +0100, Jens Restemeier wrote:
> I just added a script to the svn integration in my project using the
> backup/revert/overwrite solution, so my use case is covered for now. An "svn
> add --restore" option to do this in the client would still be useful...
> maybe I'll try to hack it in when I have some time.

Why can't your svn integration just overwrite an existing versioned
file without using 'svn rm' and 'svn add' in the first place?
Is the decision to delete a file uncoupled from the decision to
re-add the file? If so, why?

If the file is already deleted and you want to restore and overwrite
it without causing a replacement, then using 'svn revert' to undo the
deletion and overwriting the file is a good solution. Which advantage
would a new option to 'svn add' provide here?

Why are replacements bad in your use case? I know many of reasons why
they could be bad. I am asking anyway because you are not explaining
your actual problem, you are explaining your solution to a problem
which is unknown to readers of your messages. Which makes it hard for
others to properly reason about your approach and provide good advice.
Received on 2018-07-26 12:52:37 CEST

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