On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 11:04 AM Julian Foad <julianfoad_at_apache.org> wrote:
> Nathan Hartman wrote:
> > We make extensive use of externals, so "svn st" outputs many lines
> > beginning with X. Running "svn st --ignore-externals" gets rid of the
> > "Performing status on external item at" output, but not the "X" lines.
> > Is it possible to avoid those as well?
> I would consider supporting a proposal for "svn status" to be
> improved/changed, if you'd like to make such a proposal.
I am thinking about what the proposal should be. Perhaps to sort by type of
change? On *nix I have become accustomed to typing "svn st | sort -r" to
print modified "M", then deleted "D", then added "A" but this is far from
perfect for a variety of reasons. And it doesn't work on Windows unless one
installs a *nix version of sort that has the -r switch.
Meanwhile, I have been using this output-colouring wrapper script for a
> while, which also hides the X lines:
> https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/svn-color
> Overall I really like it. It is not perfect: it inserts color formatting
> even when output is not to a tty, which means e.g. "svn diff > patchfile"
> produces a file that 'patch' can't read, and I also find it runs svn
> --non-interactive so if a repo access would need a password it just fails
> instead. In those cases, I re-try using (in Bash) "command svn ..." instead
> of "svn ...".
Thank you for mentioning this. I will look into it and perhaps it can be
Received on 2018-07-01 16:31:31 CEST