On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 4:57 PM, engelbert gruber
<engelbert.gruber_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> hi
> checking in a file with eol-style native on unix : eol = 0x0a
> checking it out on windows : 0x0a is replaced by 0x0d 0x0a
> when the file is in utf-16 : eol ist 0x00 0x0a
> and when checked out on windows this becomes : 0x00 0x0d 0x0a
> which breaks utf-16 as far as i understand it
> possible fixes:
> * get utf-## aware
> * add a charsize property
> * document it
> * recommend eol-style a nonnative eol-style: LF CR or CRLF
> all the best
> e
So, easy solution. *Never* use eol-style. It's destructive to any
working copy that may be accessed via operating systems with distinct
eol styles. And its destructiveness is insidious when files are
edited, locally, with editor that auto-interpret EOL on the fly,
leading to inconsistent EOL and EOL confusion when creating new files
in the repo.
It doesn't do much for otehr UTF difficulties, but it sure avoids the
whole inconsistent EOL issues.
Received on 2017-10-31 02:12:50 CET