Checksum error while checking out new project... Apache problem?
From: Paolo Luigi Scala <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 19:00:01 +0200
svn: E200014: Checksum mismatch for '/Users/paolo/svn_itc/myproj/htdocs/data_entry/css/backup/grid_title.gif':
If I remove the file above, and try to checkout again, the process stops with the same error on another file.
I have the suspect this has something to do with the fact my project is a Web-based project containing php, jpg, gif files, which are all file types that Apache web server ‘understands’: I fear that, because I’m connecting ti my svn server through the Apache module this might alter in some way those files. To reinforce my suspect, if I checkout a file which is a backup of a mysql database (plain text with .sql extension), it does not give the checksum error.
Thanks to everyone who would like to help me in some way.
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