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Re: "svn pget svn:externals -r <rev> . -R" dramatically slow

From: Stefan Sperling <stsp_at_elego.de>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 14:49:57 +0200

On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 02:58:51PM +0300, Andrey wrote:
> > > Why is that important when the links are empty?
> > External references are stored in properties called svn:externals.
> > I think Bert is referring to the retrieval of those properties.
> I meant an external reference of cause. By the link i mean peace of string
> in the output from the "svn pget svn:externals" command.
> There is 2 records which are empty:
> ```
> https://domain.ab/svn/proj2/trunk/proj2-gui -
> https://domain.ab/svn/proj2/trunk/proj2-gui/lib/Resource/Files -
> ```
> Why just not to ignore them? Anyway they are don't have any mapping to a
> local directory.

My impression is that you misunderstand how the SVN system was designed.

'svn propget' is showing property contents and is oblivious to the
semantics of that content. There are different kinds of properties
(not just svn:externals) and 'propget' is a generic tool that
works for all of these properties.

If you need a tool which specifically interprets svn:externals
property content in some way, then you would need to write one.
Such as a wrapper script which does post-processing on the content.

BTW, using svn:externals to excessively link between source code files
and modules has downsides. svn:externals were *not* designed to be
a dependency management or linking system. Though admittedly many
people end up using it as such, and then sometimes get confused by
the inherent limitations of the user interface. For example, merging
between branches can become unnecessarily complicated when externals
are used excessively in a project. Simply put, I always recommend
that if there is another way to solve a problem then don't use
svn:externals to solve the problem.

svn:externals are just a convenience wrapper around functionality
provided by 'svn checkout'. If you keep this in mind, and look at
how Subversion's properties work (again, please refer to the
svnbook I linked in my previous mail), then you should see why
the propget command behaves as it does.

> PS: Please add me to a mail copy next time.

Your address has been (and is now) in the To: header of email I send to you.
Is that not enough?
Received on 2017-05-18 14:50:31 CEST

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