"svn status" does not show unversioned items been deleted but not committed
From: Andrey <andry_at_inbox.ru>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 20:50:55 +0300
As a result, for example, you can not say by "svn status" command which
Reproduction batch script for windows:
set REPODIR=test_repo
if exist "%REPOROOT%\" rmdir /S /Q "%REPOROOT%"
mkdir "%REPOROOT%"
svn co "%REPOURL%" "%WCROOT%"
rem creating simple file
rem update to the head
rem add new file to the directory but do not add it to the version control
rem test status
rem rename file
rem add a new file instead
rem test status again
rem after this point the status output missed file1.txt file as
The script output:
--- A test_repo_root\file_bubbles.txt D test_repo_root\file1.txt --- svn status 2 --- D test_repo_root\file1.txt > moved to test_repo_root\file_bubbles.txt ? test_repo_root\file2.txt A + test_repo_root\file_bubbles.txt > moved from test_repo_root\file1.txt --- ``` As you see the file1.txt is missed in second status output as unversioned and so can be missed from add before a commit. -- îÁÐÉÓÁÎÏ Ó ÐÏÍÏÝØÀ ÐÏÞÔÏ×ÏÇÏ ËÌÉÅÎÔÁ Opera: http://www.opera.com/mail/Received on 2017-05-17 19:51:14 CEST |
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