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FINAL REMINDER: CFP for ApacheCon closes February 11th

From: Rich Bowen <rbowen_at_apache.org>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 09:09:58 -0500

Dear Apache Enthusiast,

This is your FINAL reminder that the Call for Papers (CFP) for ApacheCon
Miami is closing this weekend - February 11th. This is your final
opportunity to submit a talk for consideration at this event.

This year, we are running several mini conferences in conjunction with
the main event, so if you're submitting for one of those events, please
pay attention to the instructions below.

Apache: Big Data
* Event information:
* CFP:

Apache: IoT (Internet of Things)
* Event Information: http://us.apacheiot.org/
* CFP -
(Indicate 'IoT' in the Target Audience field)

CloudStack Collaboration Conference
* Event information: http://us.cloudstackcollab.org/
* CFP -
(Indicate 'CloudStack' in the Target Audience field)

FlexJS Summit
* Event information - http://us.apacheflexjs.org/
* CFP -
(Indicate 'Flex' in the Target Audience field)

* Event information - https://tomcat.apache.org/conference.html
* CFP -
(Indicate 'Tomcat' in the Target Audience field)

All other topics and projects
* Event information -
* CFP -

Admission to any of these events also grants you access to all of the

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you in Miami!

Rich Bowen
VP Conferences, Apache Software Foundation
Twitter: @apachecon
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list's unsubscription procedure. View the headers of this message for
unsubscription instructions.)
Received on 2017-02-08 15:10:46 CET

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