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Bug patching Unicode files

From: Hugo González <h.gonzalez_at_ingeciber.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 12:36:27 +0100

Hello, and congratulations for your great job at the Subversion project. I
think it is an amazing tool.

I have found a bug when trying to apply a patch over a Unicode file. The
steps to reproduce this bug are:


1. Create and version a Unicode file in your repository, for example:

2. Modify that Unicode file.

3. Create a patch with your modifications (svn diff > changes.diff)

4. Revert the modifications of the file.

5. Apply the patch to modify the file again (svn patch changes.diff)

6. You get a corrupted file and the modifications are lost.


It seems the diff file is malformed, resulting in a corrupted patched file.
I attach the documents of my example.

I hope you can fix this, because I work with a lot of Unicode files, but I
understand this could be difficult because of command line limitations…

Any feedback or advice will be welcome. Thank you very much in advance,


Hugo González


Hugo González
 <mailto:h.gonzalez_at_ingeciber.com> h.gonzalez_at_ingeciber.com
Tlf: +34 91 386 22 22
Fax: +34 91 386 45 80

Ingeciber S.A.
Avda. Monforte de Lemos, 189 - 28035 - Madrid - España
 <mailto:info_at_ingeciber.com> info_at_ingeciber.com
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Received on 2016-11-25 13:06:56 CET

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