RE: SVN Feature Request: Selecting the revision for pinning externals
From: Bert Huijben <>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2016 10:07:35 +0200
A single argument specifying a revision may only work for very specific
When adding the feature we determined that we can't handle all these
From: Israel Sadeh []
The new '-pin-externals' switch of the 'svn copy' command pins the externals
This makes sense when copying the latest revision, but in case the copied
This way in case it will be possible to create a tag from an old revision,
My suggestion: Add an optional pinning-revision parameter to the
By default (if the pinning-revision' parameter isn't set) - the externals
If the parameter is set - the externals will be pinned to the parameter
Best regards,
Israel Sadeh
Israel Sadeh
RTC Vision Ltd.
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