Hi Stefan,
We have used mod_dav_svn to integrate SVN to apache 2.2.
But now we want to move to apache 2.4 with same version of SVN. SO wanted to know how to move to apache 2.4( apache 2.4 is already installed but not sure how to integrate with SVN ).
From: Stefan [mailto:luke1410_at_posteo.de]
Sent: 2016, June, 28 7:50 PM
To: users_at_subversion.apache.org
Subject: Re: SVN
Hi Anup,
How can we move to apache 2.4 from 2.2 for the already installed SVN.
This is quite a general question which IMHO is reasonably close to impossible to answer.
First of all it depends on how you integrated SVN in Apache. If it's the usual way to use mod_dav_svn then there's in general no big deal with the Apache server being migrated from 2.4 to 2.2. Just make sure to use the appropriate mod_dav_svn for Apache 2.4. I'm not aware of any potential problems with the repository data. So that part should be no problem.
More work might be the configuration/authentication setup of the new server. But that's so specific to the actual environment that it's impossible to answer that in a general manner. I suggest you start by reading the appropriate documentation on the web and ask specific question you might be left with. These are easier to respond to here.
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