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Re: SVN Export based on date range

From: Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2015_at_ryandesign.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 15:33:47 -0600

> On Jan 6, 2016, at 1:45 AM, Kajampady, Aravind <aravinda.kajampady_at_cgi.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a requirement where I have to send a list of SVN modified objects between given dates.
> I can do that using Tortoise, following way:
> 1. Right click and “Show log”
> 2. Specify the date range – From, to - in the dialog box. This will filter the log based on the given dates.
> 3. Select all entries.
> 4. Now in the panel below, Tortoise each file that is modified for the given dates. Select all and export to any folder – we get all the modified files between the given date range exactly in the same folder structure as in the original files.
> Now I want to automate this using command line utility and I tried using the following:
> svn diff <URL> --summarize -r {yyyy-mm-dd}:{ yyyy-mm-dd } > svnlog.txt
> This gives out a list of unique files modified between given date range. Using this list, my plan was to export each, but the problem is it does not preserve the same folder structure, instead, all exported files go into one single folder.
> Is there a direct way to export for given date range?

No there is not. You'll have to write a script.
Received on 2016-01-06 22:34:08 CET

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