On 2 October 2015 at 12:30, Philip Martin <philip.martin_at_wandisco.com> wrote:
> "Edward d'Auvergne" <true.bugman_at_gmail.com> writes:
>> I was wondering if there was anything that has been missed here? Is
>> this a real bug? The svn:mime-type property is not needed and is not
>> desired for any file in this repository. Any help would be
>> appreciated.
> You can disable libmagic by setting the environment variable MAGIC
> $ svnadmin create repo
> $ svn co file://`pwd`/repo wc
> $ echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>" > wc/a.xml
> $ echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>" > wc/b.xml
> $ svn add wc/a.xml
> A (bin) wc/a.xml
> $ MAGIC= svn add wc/b.xml
> A wc/b.xml
> $ svn pl -vR wc
> Properties on 'wc/a.xml':
> svn:mime-type
> application/xml
Hi Philip,
Thank you for the response. I have tried out your suggestion with the
MAGIC env variable, however unfortunately on my Mageia Linux 5 system,
this had no effect. The full details, to allow for 100%
reproducibility, are given below.
P. S. Here are 3 different tests:
Set up:
$ export BASE_DIR="/flightgear/repo_testing/mimetype/"
$ export BACKUP_DIR="/flightgear/backup/"
Initialise a new svn repository:
$ cd $BASE_DIR
$ svnadmin create test2.svn
$ svn co file://$BASE_DIR/test2.svn/ test2
Checked out revision 0.
Copy scripts from FGAddon backup:
$ rsync -av svn.code.sf.net::p/flightgear/fgaddon/hooks $BACKUP_DIR
$ cd hooks/
$ cp -vp pre-commit fgaddon-svn-* $BASE_DIR/test2.svn/hooks/
Download the DaSH aircraft from
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-4Q5DonNb8yTi1Cd1J5Um1xMTg/view to
Testing 'svn import':
$ cd $BASE_DIR
$ tar xvf dash_v1.tar
$ MAGIC= svn import dash file://$BASE_DIR/test2.svn/DaSH_svn_import/
-m "Initial import of the DaSH human powered aircraft.\n\nFor details
see the forum thread at
http://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24495 ."
Adding (bin) dash/._thumbnail.jpg
Adding dash/Engines
Adding dash/Engines/dash-engine.xml
Adding dash/Engines/dash-prop.xml
Adding dash/Images
Adding (bin) dash/Images/._DashBoot_logo_Mod.png
Adding (bin) dash/Images/._dash-3view.png
Adding (bin) dash/Images/DashBoot_logo_Mod.png
Adding (bin) dash/Images/dash-3view.png
Adding dash/Models
Adding (bin) dash/Models/._SLE_21b.ac
Adding (bin) dash/Models/._dash-model.xml
Adding dash/Models/SLE_21b.ac
Adding dash/Models/dash-model.xml
Adding dash/avlModel
Adding (bin) dash/avlModel/._dae11.dat
Adding (bin) dash/avlModel/._dash.avl
Adding (bin) dash/avlModel/._plot.pdf
Adding (bin) dash/avlModel/._plot.ps
Adding dash/avlModel/dae11.dat
Adding dash/avlModel/dash.avl
Adding dash/avlModel/dash_stability.txt
Adding (bin) dash/avlModel/plot.pdf
Adding dash/avlModel/plot.ps
Adding dash/dash-fdm.xml
Adding dash/dash-set.xml
Adding (bin) dash/thumbnail.jpg
svn: E165001: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:
The svn:mime-type property is set on the files
'DaSH_svn_import/Images/._DashBoot_logo_Mod.png', 'DaSH_svn_import/Images
/._dash-3view.png', 'DaSH_svn_import/Images/DashBoot_logo_Mod.png',
'DaSH_svn_import/Images/dash-3view.png', 'DaSH_svn_import/Models/._SLE_21b.ac',
'DaSH_svn_import/avlModel/._dae11.dat', 'DaSH_svn_import/avlModel/._dash.avl',
'DaSH_svn_import/avlModel/._plot.pdf', 'DaSH_svn_import/avlModel/._plot.ps',
'DaSH_svn_import/avlModel/plot.pdf', 'DaSH_svn_import/thumbnail.jpg'], aborting
the commit.
The current policy is that the svn:mime-type property is to be avoided in
FGAddon. Before committing, please remove this property by typing 'svn propdel
svn:mime-type file_name' for all affected files. Or to remove it recursively
from all files to be committed, in your aircraft directory type 'svn propdel
svn:mime-type -R'.
To avoid the svn:mime-type property being set by your subversion client, the
subversion configuration should be edited and all [auto-props] entries commented
out. In addition the setting "enable-auto-props = yes" should be deleted from
all subversion config files (in certain svn clients, this will use libmagic to
determine the mime-type and set this for all new files). This includes the user
configuration file at $HOME/.subversion/config or, if this is not present, the
global configuration file at /etc/subversion/config in GNU/Linux and Mac OS X or
%appdata%\subversion\config and %appdata%\roaming\subversion\config in MS
Test 2:
$ export MAGIC=
$ svn import dash file://$BASE_DIR/test2.svn/DaSH_svn_import/ -m
"Initial import of the DaSH human powered aircraft.\n\nFor details see
the forum thread at
http://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24495 ."
Test 3:
$ unset MAGIC
$ svn import dash file://$BASE_DIR/test2.svn/DaSH_svn_import/ -m
"Initial import of the DaSH human powered aircraft.\n\nFor details see
the forum thread at
http://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24495 ."
Received on 2015-10-03 10:33:19 CEST