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Redirection "svn info -r HEAD"

From: Fredrik Klasson <scientica_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 11:34:10 +0200

TL;DR: "svn info -r HEAD > testfile" produces and empty file with svn 1.9.1
on Windows. But svn 1.8.13 produces expected output in the file. Does this
only happen for me?

When I updated to TortoiseSVN 1.9.1 (from 1.8.11), which uses svn 1.9.1 it
seems redirection of "svn info -r HEAD" (or any other revision
specification) no longer works for me in *MS Windows*. So I wonder if
anyone else has experienced this too with subversion 1.9.1?

Some steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Install TortosieSVN 1.9.1
2. In a cmd.exe prompt with cwd being a svn working copy, type:
 svn info
*(expected output)*
 svn info > testfile
 type testfile
*(output that matches running without redirection)*
3. Then try with the revisionargument (using -r or --revision):
 svn info -r HEAD
*(expected output)*
 svn info -r HEAD > testfile
 type testfile
*(nothing, i.e .file is empty; cf. running without the redirect)*

And just for the sake of testing adding "--xml" makes svn info produce the
expected output to the redirected file (that is "svn info -r HEAD --xml >
testfile" works). So it seems only "plain"/"old" output is broken.

Downgrading to TortoiseSVN 1.8.11 which uses svn 1.8.13 makes "svn info -r
HEAD > testfile" produce the expected file contents in the test file again.

For good measure, I've also tested building on a Linux machine, using
subversion 1.9.1 (build from the svn tag/1.9.1). Redirection of "svn info
-r ..." works as expected with that build. (My distro uses 1.8.13 currently
so that's why I build from vanilla sources to test that). So this seems to
only affect Windows.

Some additional info:
OS version: Windows 7 Professional (x64)

I couldn't find any bug report for this, but maybe I just didn't ask the
database the right question. I haven't had time to try to build trunk or
1.9.1 vanilla on Windows, and I don't know if TortoiseSVN applies any
patches on top of the svn it includes (I'd guess they do not apply any

Passing a path to a repo does not affect the behavior. Passing an invalid
revision (e.g. "-r FOOBAR") produces an error message (as expected).


... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer
science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare
and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book
- Bradley Kuhn
Received on 2015-09-18 11:34:23 CEST

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