Re: fsfs storage
From: Daniel Shahaf <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 01:27:58 +0000
Geoff Field wrote on Mon, May 11, 2015 at 11:14:41 +1000:
That's an implementation detail.
> On the server, they're stored under ./db/revs as a series of deltas.
That's *extremely* dangerous advice. If you open one of those files in
Don't ever edit those files. If you're curious, use a sandbox, or an
> If you're only storing text files, there's half a chance of
Don't bother trying. It's not possible to edit a revision file without
> There is probably a setting somewhere to allow a "shadow" version to
svnwcsub, documented in the FAQ.
P.S. Geoff: don't let the above discourage you from understanding how
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