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svn list gives E160016 error on a specific URL

From: Olivier Sannier <obones_at_free.fr>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 22:31:41 +0200


I'm trying to use SVN on Windows to connect to the SVN interface of a
GitHub repository as it's much easier to integrate in my overall setup.
Using SVN 1.6.16 (CollabNet build), I was able to issue this command

svn list --non-interactive

where it gives me a nice list of what's inside that folder.

Considering that version 1.6 is quite outdated, I decided to upgrade my
environment to version 1.8.11 (Alagazam.net build)
Unfortunately, when I issue the exact same command from the exact same
computer, here is what I now get:

svn: E160016: Can't get entries of non-directory

That's very strange because "jcl" is a folder.
Using the TortoiseSVN build based on SVN 1.8.13, I also get the same
error message when using the repository browser on that folder.

Now, if I issue that command:

svn list --non-interactive

then it works with both 1.6 and 1.8 versions, clearly indicating that
"jcl" is indeed a folder.

What's wrong with that specific folder in that repository? And why is it
only happening with the most recent versions of SVN?

Thanks a lot in advance for any answer.


Received on 2015-04-10 22:32:13 CEST

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