it might be due to my lack of expertise in the field of svn admin...
but, i dont understand how to implement serverside dictated autoprops
- the documentation doesnt talk to me, and i am lost...
isnt there any hands on examples ?
Quoting Andreas Stieger <>:
> Hello,
>> So i have tried to read the RDC docs, but it doesnt make any sense -
>> it tells alot about how the configuration should look, but not how to
>> implement the feature...
> To implement, set versioned properties named svn:auto-props in the
> repository. See help about propset, propedit commands, or the
> equivalent function in a non-cli client.
>> I realize that the clientside can still be modified accordingly, and I
>> want to push/enforce the keyword configuration from serverside.
> Set svn:auto-props properties using an svn client on a path, e.g.
> the root of the repository, or trunk, and commit.
>> The documentatio doesnt make any sense to me... Did you have success
>> implementing RDC?
> Yes. Note that you need clients capable of interpreting both
> inherited properties and repository-dictated config. Read: 1.8.
> Andreas
Received on 2015-04-06 01:45:34 CEST