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Re: copy multiple folders from one repository to another repository at server using subversion

From: gangadhar jannu <gangadhar.014_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 05:56:11 -0800 (PST)


Thanks for your detailed explanation.

I've already tried what you suggested but something went wrong in that

The actual scenario is:
I have created 'allProj' repository and it is operating since 2013.
*allProj *contains 120 folders. Out of 120 projects currently 20 projects
are required.
So I'm trying to create another repository 'reqProj' which contains those
20 projects out of 120 projects.

I've tried *dump -> filter -> load *method already.
So I'm able to load only 18 projects Out of 20 projects (2 projects were
missing even though I tried to load all 20 projects dump).

What exactly I tried is:
*dump: *svnadmin dump file:///var/lib/svn/allProj > allProj.dump
cat allProj.dump | svndumpfilter include Projects/projectB
Projects/projectD Projects/projectE > reqProj.dump
svnadmin create file:///var/lib/svn/reqProj
svnadmin load fil:///var/lib/svn/reqProj < reqProj.dump

Everything it is showing is fine but still I'm not gettting all the
folders. Out of 20 projects I'm getting 18 projects.

Is there any alternative method or am I doing wrong ...?

I've searched a lot on this topic and I found nothing on "how to move
multiple folders from one repository to another repository"
Received on 2015-02-02 14:58:10 CET

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