On 03/10/14 16:22, Ajith Vitharana wrote:
> We are getting following SVN conflict issue intermittently in our system.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> svn: CHECKOUT of '/svn/xxx/!svn/ver/264/-1234/webapps': 409 Conflict
> (https://xxx.xxx.xxx)
> at
> org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.javahl.AbstractJhlClientAdapter.commit(AbstractJhlClientAdapter.java:339)
> at
> org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.javahl.AbstractJhlClientAdapter.commit(AbstractJhlClientAdapter.java:306)
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.deployment.synchronizer.subversion.SVNBasedArtifactRepository.commit(SVNBasedArtifactRepository.java:345)
> ... 12 more
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
This seems to be a server-side message by something in the http
protocol, marshaled back to you.
> 1. Do we have any workaround to get rid of this issue permanently ?
> 2. Is this a bug in SVN 1.6 or SVN kit ?
> 3. If this a bug in some previous SVN version, is that fixed in any new
> version ?
The current best release is 1.8.10, and you should try this first.
Received on 2014-10-05 15:06:16 CEST