Re: Update from 1.8.5 to 1.8.8 breaks my self-signed numeric IP certificate
From: Daniel Widdis <>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 18:46:04 -0600
Hi, Lieven. No worries about sending the key... I can generate a new
In regard to the serf1 conversation, I'm using the latest version on
Here's the output of the openssl command you requested. This is using a
<danielwiddis> ~ $ openssl s_client -connect
--- Certificate chain 0 s:/CN= i:/CN= --- Server certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC2TCCAcGgAwIBAgIJAPKhN26bz/IrMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMBkxFzAVBgNV BAMTDjE5Mi4xNjguMTAwLjU5MB4XDTE0MDMwMTAyMjExNloXDTI0MDIyNzAyMjEx NlowGTEXMBUGA1UEAxMOMTkyLjE2OC4xMDAuNTkwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDhpux+KA5HmT78yVFLiasC87R/TelmFlm64UimUllPJuQ/ n8Hwf+2Zinju675LZByPzAnV7qBhJa17o6RO73alUM1zBdK2Aow4TbJR7hbs5iaa 6W8z8GeCL4vo8pg7RHaTtiLu8+fiSgtR9A7+pSl7v91NhpEC9amd5HT95HQnJrD6 QssZEboKSqzWetR/uKjtG9/7VvIQW/kg4GLPHGC4uvQEbQhvClDDaIQ2b6Oxr6Zy JTxjuzGh+GlewUOVfT0P6LphFVFZj5Q4XgnhUQcOp4dG2w7B+MokwDksHq/g0Mfy tdPuZs+DxrB3NmTDV2yUK/CMjaf391VVGnf0zq7zAgMBAAGjJDAiMAsGA1UdDwQE AwIEMDATBgNVHSUEDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAEor/ UEO6OKabsQhcAqi6cyjhbEbiDAM78IAQYD6HdY1+XQWNb3P+JxBoojKLJfcC5Lgf 7kvwWj3F0jeByxsHxcaNGmwEAnr1apuDZNb9o6++oHsMI5Cb8CznSjEUgsKhk8cK dfH66dd2wHuPyrNVrKrkDFexvwuZ92NkT/WhCZkrWPUXz+F4dolAiIxvgNQkGSgc aSUA/f9owl0/PJYOV542etU/fPTlwvAklsE8wMFPXwOyzWr/kueAYUSkKgN9/Vv4 2cw7VXXQmQjUGaKW2XQ12TIhtP5jRSpLevT9Dwp9LoCl5aq49gz+aUEWtRt0Vobm U2pyvf2Ke++z7j+eBA== -----END CERTIFICATE----- subject=/CN= issuer=/CN= --- No client certificate CA names sent --- SSL handshake has read 1611 bytes and written 518 bytes --- New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA Server public key is 2048 bit Secure Renegotiation IS supported Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE SSL-Session: Protocol : TLSv1 Cipher : DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA Session-ID: 004AEB4377EDD3362C1D36B88B51B21F6033065CDEBBC5EA78D0575242CDF6C3 Session-ID-ctx: Master-Key: 68784FE78DC7C4374FF2CEF0EC59AF4B8570EB75DC62806F987863DA4771C4D86D5ADCA9A7D112C51B403202BA26029A Key-Arg : None PSK identity: None PSK identity hint: None SRP username: None TLS session ticket: 0000 - d8 1e ea f1 26 96 70 cc-02 37 2c 9d df 47 0d 8a ....&.p..7,..G.. 0010 - b5 4d 77 32 3c 7a e7 21-fc eb 3e 8f e9 da 36 d2 .Mw2<z.!..>...6. 0020 - 1a da cb 52 64 92 ff f4-f5 54 7d e0 82 13 f4 b1 ...Rd....T}..... 0030 - 74 77 3d 41 98 a5 38 a8-2a 9a 77 e4 ed 74 38 78 tw=A..8.*.w..t8x 0040 - ff f6 36 55 75 5c 07 4c-c8 58 bd ea cc 31 09 72 ..6Uu\.L.X...1.r 0050 - c3 b5 6d 65 fa a0 64 7a-f9 e0 dd c1 9f a4 f2 f8 0060 - 9f e6 38 08 22 af 37 23-ca c5 1a d9 9b dd 9b 24 ..8.".7#.......$ 0070 - 19 77 c0 83 f8 a5 cc 70-fa c6 9d d9 da 67 9e 9a .w.....p.....g.. 0080 - 48 43 93 a0 86 1a 95 8d-f1 f5 a8 5e 23 07 16 41 HC.........^#..A 0090 - 49 99 c9 e1 5e c3 fa 70-71 bb d8 16 2d 61 01 ab I...^..pq...-a.. 00a0 - 2e 8d a5 eb 2e 31 f7 81-61 6f ab ee 39 2c e4 12,.. 00b0 - b3 46 b2 8c 9a dc a7 3d-2e a2 64 48 2b 14 b1 5e .F.....=..dH+..^ Start Time: 1393893584 Timeout : 300 (sec) Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate) --- closed On 3/3/14, 4:48 PM, Lieven Govaerts wrote: > Hi Daniel, > > On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 5:06 AM, Daniel Widdis <> wrote: >> I recently upgraded from 1.8.5 to 1.8.8 via macports. The new version >> refused to permanently accept my self-signed certificate, citing an "unknown >> error". >> >> Certificates generated on Windows 2008 Server using VisualSVN 2.7.4. >> >> Hostname is a numeric IP on a VPN ( >> >> Client is Mac OS X 10.9.1 (Mavericks) with svn installed via Macports: >> subversion @1.8.5_1+universal (active) <---- this setup works >> subversion @1.8.8_0+no_bdb+universal <---- this setup fails >> >> Under 1.8.8: >> $ svn update >> Updating '.': >> Error validating server certificate for '': >> - The certificate has an unknown error. >> Certificate information: >> - Hostname: >> - Valid: from Mar 1 02:21:16 2014 GMT until Feb 27 02:21:16 2024 GMT >> - Issuer: >> - Fingerprint: BE:C4:65:B6:0E:BD:5C:EE:F4:DB:A9:E1:EB:AE:B6:BC:43:F2:E7:5E >> (R)eject or accept (t)emporarily? t >> At revision 46. > Could you send: > - the output of: > $ openssl s_client -connect > - and/or create a self signed key + cert using your method that fails > with svn 1.8.8 ? > > This should give us the necessary extra info to simulate your issue. > > Note: since you're using a self signed certificate this log/key-cert > pair shouldn't contain any private info, but if you prefer you can > send them to me privately. > > >> Under 1.8.5 with no other changes: >> $ svn update >> Updating '.': >> At revision 46. >> > regards, > > LievenReceived on 2014-03-04 01:46:38 CET |
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