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"svn delete" does not warn anymore in some cases

From: Florin Avram <florin_at_sync.ro>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 11:49:24 +0200


I noticed that SVN 1.8.5 does not give warnings for some situations,
when using "svn delete" (previously, using SVN 1.7.x, it did):

1. have a file replaced with a directory in the working copy:
- svn delete file
- create new directory, with the same name as the file
- svn add file (the directory; item is reported as replaced)
- svn delete file - no warning.
But, if trying to delete an added file, it warns. Shouldn't be something
similar in this case, since replaced = deleted + added ?!

2. something similar if trying to delete such a file after being in
- do operations above, without the last one;
- commit a file change from another working copy;
- update - will give a tree-conflict;
- try to delete the tree-conflict - no warning.

3. it seems that for items missing from the working copy (or, at least,
for a few such situations I caught in my tests) there is no warning
anymore. This I can understand, SVN makes the assumption that user
deleted item without using the SVN client and "svn delete" is the
natural way to end the operation. But, maybe the item was deleted
unintentionally and the user wants to restore it if it knows that it is

4. Regarding #1, if having a directory being ADDED, there is no warning,
only if the directory has something inside it (is not empty).
This seems to be a general rule in SVN 1.8 - if there are added
directories or items replaced with directories without content, they are
deleted without warning.

Are these changes intentional in SVN 1.8?! Any clarification/details
about above situations is welcomed.

Florin Avram
Received on 2014-02-04 10:50:00 CET

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