RE: tag rename fails to delete on svnsync mirror
From: Jones, Gretchen <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 18:59:19 +0000
Yes, everything is syncing perfectly (AFAIK), No errors are encountered.
But in this case:
My gut says it must have something to do with delete permissions, but after an hour of searching the listserve messages I gave up on that.
(we are not using the post commit hook to sync, but instead a scheduled task script because the developers thought it (post-commit-hook) was causing too much delay on commits). Again no errors, the revision numbers are perfectly in sync.
The only reason this is a problem is that we use these tags to build remotely and it causes confusion with our non-technical build users when they see duplicate tags with a single character different. (We use a date in the build tag and someone keeps using 2013 instead of 2014)
I would expect that the same "complete" transaction that occurred on the master would occur on the mirror.
Gretchen Jones
-----Original Message-----
On 1/30/14, 8:52 AM, Jones, Gretchen wrote:
There isn't really sufficient information to give a definitive answer. I'd guess since you're talking about a master and mirror that you're using a master/slave setup. In order for changes to get from the master to the slave there needs to be an svnsync run. Usually that's done via a commit hook. Are you sure your hooks are working?
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