> I have another failure, with some debug info, and some updates.
> We're switching to a different system for this particular repository, so I
> may or may not be able to continue debug efforts. :-(
> Since there's no debug info available for the svn 1.8 client, I haven't
> been running that.
> I went a full week without a failure, which I suspect is due to the
> enormous amount of debugging that neon-debug-mask=255 produces, so this
> week I dialed it back to 127 and got a failure on the first try.
> Here's the latest failure. First up, the debug info:
> Got 8192 bytes.
> XML: Parsing 8192 bytes.
> XML: char-data (235) returns 0
> XML: xmlParseChunk returned 0
> Reading 8192 bytes of response body.
> Got 6600 bytes.
> XML: Parsing 6600 bytes.
> XML: char-data (235) returns 0
> XML: xmlParseChunk returned 0
> Reading 8192 bytes of response body.
> Aborted request (-3): Could not read response body
That message comes from ne_request.c and the -3 is NE_SOCK_CLOSED
defined in ne_socket.h:
#define NE_SOCK_CLOSED (-3)
/* Connection was reset (e.g. server crashed) */
> sess: Closing connection.
> sess: Connection closed.
> Request ends, status 200 class 2xx, error line:
> Could not read response body: connection was closed by server
> Running destroy hooks.
> Request ends.
> svn: E175002: REPORT of '/svn/repos/<name>/!svn/me': Could not read
> response body: connection was closed by server (http://<server>)
> sess: Destroying session.
> sess: Destroying session.
What does the server error log show?
Philip Martin | Subversion Committer
WANdisco // *Non-Stop Data*
Received on 2014-01-14 12:33:46 CET