Hi Ben,
> On 12/4/13 12:52 PM, Pat Haley wrote:
>> ---------------------
>> (trying local access)
>> ---------------------
>> mseas(PaperWork)% svn update
>> svn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
>> svn: Unable to open repository 'file:///home/phaley/Papers/2011/ArpitVel/SvnPaper'
>> svn: disk I/O error
>> svn: disk I/O error
>> -----------------------
>> (trying network access)
>> -----------------------
>> chris_at_optiplex:~/Desktop$ svn update 3DDG
>> Updating '3DDG':
>> svn: E200030: Unable to connect to a repository at URL
>> 'svn+ssh://mseas/software/Students/3DDG'
>> svn: E200030: disk I/O error
>> svn: E200030: disk I/O error
> The second error contains an error code for an error from sqlite:
> $ which-error.py 200030
> An update wouldn't be touching a sqlite database on the server since the only
> sqlite database on the server side is the rep-cache.db which is only used at
> commit time.
> Additionally I believe the error message "disk I/O error" only occurs in the
> sqlite code.
> Are you sure that disk that your working copy is on is ok?
Reasonably so. All the other files are ok. Only svn is
giving us errors.
> On 12/4/13 2:31 PM, Pat Haley wrote:
>>> How about 'svnadmin verify /home/phaley/Papers/2011/ArpitVel/SvnPaper'?
>> No, that also fails
>> mseas(MeanAvg)% svnadmin verify /home/phaley/Papers/2011/ArpitVel/SvnPaper
>> svnadmin: disk I/O error
>> svnadmin: disk I/O error
> This still looks like some sort of sqlite error. The rep-cache.db I mentioned
> above does get checked as part of svnadmin verify.
> Can you run the svnadmin verify under strace:
> strace svnadmin verify /home/phaley/Papers/2011/ArpitVel/SvnPaper
> You'll get a lot of output but look for the error string in the output and then
> look for the preceeding failing system call. It'll probably be a file handle
> so you'll need to dig further up looking for where it was opened.
> If you want you could post the output someplace. If you want to avoid your
> data being exposed use "-s 0" to avoid data being printed (but the error string
> won't be included).
> You can cause strace to write to a file with "-o myoutputfile"
> So if you want to post I'd do:
> strace -o myoutputfile -s 0 svnadmin verify
> /home/phaley/Papers/2011/ArpitVel/SvnPaper
That line is complaining about a stale file handle:
fcntl(3, F_SETLK, {type=F_RDLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=1073741824,
len=1}) = -1 ESTALE (Stale NFS file handle)
write(2, "svnadmin: disk I/O error\n", 25) = 25
write(2, "svnadmin: disk I/O error\n", 25) = 25
exit_group(1) = ?
From a couple of lines above it looks like the file it's
complaining about is
however, I can use the "file" command successfully on that file
% file /home/phaley/Papers/2011/ArpitVel/SvnPaper/db/rep-cache.db
/home/phaley/Papers/2011/ArpitVel/SvnPaper/db/rep-cache.db: SQLite 3.x
database, user version 1
I haven't figured out anything more from the full version of that
strace. The post-safe version you suggested is at
I also did similar straces on an "svn update" from that
same repository. That is also showing the same
stale file handle error
fcntl(3, F_SETLK, {type=F_RDLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=1073741824,
len=1}) = -1 ESTALE (Stale NFS file handle)
write(2, "svn: Unable to open an ra_local "..., 47) = 47
write(2, "svn: Unable to open repository '"..., 89) = 89
write(2, "svn: disk I/O error\n", 20) = 20
write(2, "svn: disk I/O error\n", 20) = 20
lstat(".svn/log", 0x7fff48dcbec0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
unlink("Figures/.svn/lock") = 0
unlink(".svn/lock") = 0
exit_group(1) = ?
The post-safe version of that strace is at
Any thoughts on what I should look at next?
Pat Haley Email: phaley_at_mit.edu
Center for Ocean Engineering Phone: (617) 253-6824
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Fax: (617) 253-8125
MIT, Room 5-213 http://web.mit.edu/phaley/www/
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4301
Received on 2013-12-05 02:27:56 CET