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Re: subversion-1.8.0-rc2: diff_test 60 fails

From: Philip Martin <philip.martin_at_wandisco.com>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 14:01:30 +0100

Branko ÄŒibej <brane_at_wandisco.com> writes:

> What we /should/ do is create a tempfile and keep changing and stat'ing
> it until its mtime changes. We could do this with an exponential backoff
> sleep, too. Then there would be no guesswork about the timestamp
> resolution of the WC file system.
> The problem is that we don't always get a path into
> sleep_for_timestamps; but we already have a fallback for that.

There are other things we could try. When we do get a path we could
identify the wc root and then run a SQLite query to get the most recent
last_mod_time. We could use that to reduce the sleep.

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Received on 2013-05-28 15:02:08 CEST

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