In this discussion a user suggested how to change the commit author
using a post-commit hook:
I'd like to do exacly that, so I wrote a pre-revprop-change hook that
checks that allows the change under certain circumstances.
I tested and it's working.
My problem is that I can't make the post-commit hoow to work.
My SVN server is CollabNet's SubversionEdge on a Windows 7 machine, so
my hooks are written in MS-DOS batch language.
My post-commit hook is here:
In it I first send an email to a bunch of people and then I want to
extract the current author, change it to a new one and then write the
svn:author property.
When I make a commit on TortoiseSVN from my computer I get the window
telling me that the information are sent, but it never exits:
The commit is done, but the author isn't changed.
It seems top me that the batch file hangs when try to lookup the current
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('svn propget svn:author --revprop -r %REV%
http://my_server_address') do @set myAuthor=%%a
What I'm doing wrong?
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