I've been having a problem with the 1.7 JavaHL implementation in the
org.tigris.subversion package. As I understand the code, this has been
written as a wrapper around the new org.apache.subversion package. The
propertyGet method is calling new String() around the byte[] value returned
from the new interface's equivalent method. The problem is that when this
returns null, the old interface method throws a NullPointerException rather
than returning null.
This is somewhat related to the discussion in
although it's of a slightly different character.
I suggest the following change:
Index: SVNClient.java
--- SVNClient.java (revision 1411518)
+++ SVNClient.java (working copy)
@@ -2110,10 +2110,10 @@
- return new PropertyData(path, name,
- new String(aSVNClient.propertyGet(path, name,
- revision == null ? null : revision.toApache(),
- pegRevision == null ? null :
+ byte[] propertyBytes = aSVNClient.propertyGet(path, name,
+ revision == null ? null : revision.toApache(),
+ pegRevision == null ? null : pegRevision.toApache());
+ return propertyBytes == null ? null : new PropertyData(path,
name, new String(propertyBytes));
catch (org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException ex)
What do you think?
Received on 2012-11-20 06:32:41 CET