SVN 1.6: What is the maximum size for a commit?
From: CHAZAL Julien <>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2012 15:12:32 +0000
Hi all,
I manage a Subversion server (SVN 1.6.9, FSFS storage mode, set up on a Linux Suse Enterprise Edition) and I usually encounter a problem when my users commit a set of folders which the size is more than 4 GB.
The error message that appears is "Revision file lacks trailing new line" (obtained with TortoiseSvn client, with https protocol). I know how to resolve this issue, but I wonder why Subversion doesn't allow commits greater than 4 GB.
So, is there somebody that knows the size limit for a commit? Is it due to HTTPS protocol or due to Subversion 1.6?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Julien Chazal
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