Here is the scenario:
User 1
1. create branches/X
2. svn checkout branches/X to local machine
3. modify file.txt
4. commit changes
Another user, User 2,
5. create branches/Y
6. svn checkout branches/Y to his local machine
7. merge branches/X to local machine (and thus merges file.txt into
8. use svn diff to verify that the changes to file.txt in the local
copy of branches/Y succeeded before committing the change.
Since svn diff can not compare the local working copy to that of a URL,
this is impossible to do without first committing the change to
But this defeats the whole purpose of verifying that a merge has produced
the correct results before committing the merge changes.
I have googled for this, but have not found any usable solution.
Only recommended solution is to check out branches/X so that svn can
compare two paths.
Since the merge changes have not been checked in yet, I can not use svn
diff with two URL's.
It is impractical, not to mention time consuming and tedious, to checkout
both branches/X and branches/Y just so that I can perform a diff.
Joneric Wennerstrom / Sr Programmer/Anlyst-Specialized Systems /
Engineering & Factory Systems Support
MS 188-400, 221 3rd Ave SE , Cedar Rapids, IA, 52401, USA
Phone: 319-263-4597 / Fax: 319-263-6067
Received on 2012-06-29 06:30:28 CEST