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Implementations of an SVN/DAV aware proxy?

From: Tim Watts <tw_at_dionic.net>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 20:56:15 +0100


Anyone know if there is a workable SVN/DAV proxy that exists that can
handle the protocol enough to make all the translations required between
differing old/new URIs?


We're changing SVN servers from mod-dav-svn to SCM-Manager - and one
minor fly in the ointment is the style of our old repo URI, which was of
the form:


Our test SCM server is serving on:

https://host.../svn/<REPO> which is the form we prefer.

Naively, I assumed I could create a virtual SVN instance with a simple
Apache proxy rule (or rewrite) mapping /repositories/ to /svn/ (we are
using Apache in front of SCM anyway).

Sadly, the DAV protocol stuffs this up somewhat and it doesn't work.
well, svn ls ... works, but svn co ... gets confused, and looking at it
with Wireshark suggests some of the DAV/SVN protocol is carrying
knowledge of /svn/<REPO> deeper in the protocol (ie not just headers).

It's not the end of the world - worst case is I can write a perl script
to change the URL in any given checkouts (and there are probably a
hundrend SVN checkouts with knowledge of the old URI).

But it made me curious as Google has not been my friend...



Tim Watts
Personal Blog: http://www.dionic.net/tim/
Received on 2012-04-16 21:58:40 CEST

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