On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 7:12 AM, Phil Pinkerton <pcpinkerton_at_gmail.com>wrote:
> Looking for a way to send or display a Notice like a MOTD ( Message of the
> day ) whenever any repository is accessed.
> For example there will be a major change in Repository locations. Some
> projects already have pre and post commit hook scripts. What I want to do
> is advise the user who accesses their Repository of that change.
> perhaps adding an email or message to be sent automagically to whoever
> accesses the repository ?
> "Wish list' would be a script easily modified and propagated to all
> repository hook directories
> Ideas ? Suggestions ( besides read the book )
> It sounds overly complex, and doesn't look to be present in any of the
access protocols. You could scan the access logs for Apache's mod_dav_svan
based access, or SSH based access for svn+ssh, or svnserve logs. But none
of them will detect filesystem based access.
Received on 2012-03-22 12:03:13 CET