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RE: preventing commits (this is *not* a classic hook question)

From: Bob Archer <Bob.Archer_at_amsi.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 09:23:16 -0400

> Hello,
> I'm wondering if there is any strategy for temporary preventing people from
> committing to a svn repository, without the person who sets the hook (or sth
> similar) being the admin of the svn repository. Thus, in this case, there is no
> option to directly access the /hooks/ folder.

Create a project in your repository that contains a config file of some type. Give write access to this path only to those people that you want to be able to enable/disable checkins.

Create a working copy of said config project and check it out on your svn server. Have your hook script update the working copy (or perhaps have a cron job that updates this wc every 60 seconds or whatever) and read this config file to determine if commits are allowed.

All the users will have to do is edit the config file and commit it.


> A "poor man's" option could be working with locks. But, recursively locking a
> large repo path could be inefficient, and locks can be stolen anyway. So it looks
> like the wrong approach from many perspectives.
> Any idea for preventing commits, for a specific time, without being able to
> directly accessing the hooks folder?
> If the access is through svn+ssh and you can be granted access to the
> authorized_keys, you can tweak it to read-only. If it's an Apache based access
> with HTTPS, you can manipulate the Apache config (which requires reloading
> the Apache server configuration, or control of a .htaccess file)
> Means vary depending on which technology you use and what you *do* have
> access to.
Received on 2012-03-20 14:24:01 CET

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