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Re: Restore SVN server from files

From: Ulrich Eckhardt <ulrich.eckhardt_at_dominolaser.com>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 08:43:22 +0100

Am 18.03.2012 14:49, schrieb Alin ILIE:
> I had a RAID 5 storage, and I used to have a SVN server on this.
> Unfortunately the RAID layout failed. I succeeded to the data from my
> server including the folder where I created the SVN repositories.
> Now that I have the files from repositories, what is the correct plan
> for re-installing the SVN server in a different location?

Note up front: Backup. SVN will not save you from the possibility of
data loss, just as your RAID didn't.

Now, in order to get the repos back online, just install an according
server (svnserve or Apache) and configure it so that it can find the
repos. Basically, you follow the instructions to set up a server but
skip the step where you create the repositories.

If the name of the machine changed or the URL where it serves the
repositories, all working copies will have become unusable, you will
have to tell them about the changed server URL with "svn relocate" (SVN
1.7) or "svn switch --relocate" (SVN <= 1.6).

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Received on 2012-03-19 08:44:06 CET

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