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Feature request - SVN command to clean a working copy of all unversioned and ignored files and directories

From: Simon Dean <Simon.Dean_at_moneysupermarket.com>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 13:56:34 +0000


Are there any plans to add a command to SVN that cleans a working copy or path of all unversioned and/or ignored files and directories?

This is a very common need for automated Continuous Integration builds where a working copy is reused for multiple runs of the same build. Currently there is no simple and fast way to restore a working copy to a prestine state. Often users have to choose between i) completely deleting the working copy for every build and then doing a fresh checkout from scratch or ii) living with lots of unversioned and ignored files and directories building up with each successive build.

The only option at the moment is to write a shell/batch script to provide this feature which is messy and there's common way to do this. A new SVN command or enhanced exiting command that provided this functionality would be incredibly useful.

As an example, here is the DOS batch script that I use at the moment:

        @echo off
        :: revert any uncommitted changes
        svn revert . --recursive

        :: remove all unversioned and all ignored files and directories
        for /f "usebackq tokens=1*" %%i in (`svn status --depth infinity --no-ignore ^| findstr /r "^[\?I]"`) do (
          if not %%j == %~nx0 (
            if exist "%%j\*" (
              echo deleting unversioned directory "%%j"
              attrib -h "%%j" /d /s
              rmdir /s /q "%%j"
            ) else (
              echo deleting unversioned file "%%j"
              attrib -h "%%j"
              del /f "%%j"

A possible command line syntax might look something like this:

        svn revert . --ignored --unversioned --recursive

Many thanks
Simon Dean

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