On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 17:22, Anastasio, David M CTR USAF AFMC
ESC/HNID <David.Anastasio.ctr_at_hanscom.af.mil> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to integrate Apache Subversion for source code control of my
> development group’s changes to our vendor’s code base.
> The vendor indicates that integration to the application’s code base is done
> through the use of a Microsoft C API called "SCC C API" (Source Code Control
> C API) provided by Microsoft.
> Does Apache Subversion conform to this API?
Subversion servers do not, as that is not required for them to do their job.
There is at least one client built upon the Subversion library which
integrates with whatever development environment you're using via the
SCCC API. See http://www.pushok.com/software/svn.html for an example.
However, from what I can gather the SCCC API is pretty old and no
longer in use with the current MS development environments. Also, you
may be asking the wrong questions - the SCCC API is an API for
creating plug-ins for the development environment itself, and is
usually *not* integrated with the application you're developing.
Unless the application you're creating is an SCCC/IDE plug-in.
Received on 2012-02-14 02:33:30 CET