We are using:
SVN client 1.6.13 on windows
SVN server 1.6.12 as server
We are looking for a solution of next issue:
If we make a selective merge from our trunk to a subbranch and changes are made on the end of a file also changes which were not made in the selected revision range are taken over. (All changes on the end of file are taken over).
Is this a known issue and is there a possibility to prevent this? In our case in trunk some new functions where created at the end of a C++module file. After a while a new function to resolve a bug was added at the end. In the merge only the last change (bug solution) was selected. In the branches where the merge was made also the other functions where merged.
With best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
P. G. Hoefakker
Consultant / Berater
inconso AG
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Received on 2012-02-08 11:58:40 CET