On Jan 19, 2012, at 13:52 , Markus Schaber wrote:
> Hi,
> For our SharpSVN based client, we want to include some regression tests for scenarios including SSL and/or server authentication. For this, we need several servers (svnserve, svn+ssh, mod_svn) in different setups (e. G. plain, SSL, SSL + client certificates).
> We cannot rely on a fixed test environment, as some of our OEM customers want to re-run the tests on their own, so we need some kind of "canned" test environments which we can deliver along with the test scripts and manual test instructions.
> What is the easiest way to provide those testbed servers for Windows? Is it possible to deliver setups for those servers in a directory without installation?
AFAICT, for all Windows packages that include Apache, the admin
has to run an MSI.
Is that what you're asking about?
> The preferred way would be to have a directory tree where the preconfigured server executables (listening on localhost) are sitting, so that the manual testers and automated test scripts can simply start and stop an executable (or batch file) to get the server up and down. It is rather trivial to do this for plain svnserve, but is this also possible for svn+ssh and mod_svn?
> How is this handled for the testsuite of the SVN developers?
Have a look at win-tests.py:
It can configure, start, and stop svnserve or Apache. SSH and SSL
configuration isn't included.
Received on 2012-01-19 14:17:22 CET