subversion-1.7.2 gives an error when merging in a feature branch that
replaces a symlink with a directory on linux:
svn: E000021: Can't read file '/home/duncan/svn/co/trunk/symlink': Is a
I tried using --reintegrate and also the equivalent traditional merge. I
have a pretty small formula to reproduce this that I've included below.
Please let me know whether I'm doing something wrong, or if I should go
ahead and post this to the issue tracker.
svnadmin create repo
svn co file://$PWD/repo co
# Checked out revision 0.
svn mkdir co/trunk
# A co/trunk
svn mkdir co/trunk/directory
# A co/trunk/directory
ln -s directory co/trunk/symlink
svn add co/trunk/symlink
# A co/trunk/symlink
svn commit co/ -m 'Adding trunk.'
# Adding co/trunk
# Adding co/trunk/directory
# Adding co/trunk/symlink
# Transmitting file data .
# Committed revision 1.
svn cp co/trunk/ co/branch
# A co/branch
svn commit co/ -m Branching.
# Adding co/branch
# Committed revision 2.
svn rm co/branch/symlink
# D co/branch/symlink
svn cp co/branch/directory/ co/branch/symlink
# A co/branch/symlink
svn commit co/ -m 'Replacing symlink with copy.'
# Replacing co/branch/symlink
# Committed revision 3.
svn update co/trunk/
# Updating 'co/trunk':
# At revision 3.
svn merge --reintegrate '^/branch' co/trunk
# svn: E000021: Can't read file '/home/duncan/svn/co/trunk/symlink': Is a
Received on 2012-01-11 16:23:33 CET