> -----Original Message-----
> From: joostdongen_at_gmail.com [mailto:joostdongen_at_gmail.com] On
> Behalf Of Joost van Dongen
> Sent: 04 August 2011 08:11
> To: Cooke, Mark
> Cc: Stefan Sperling; users_at_subversion.apache.org
> Subject: Re: SVN errors with junction points
> As Mark guessed, I am indeed setting up the junction points
> by hand. This is how I made it:
> -Create folder D:\SVN
> -Do checkout on D:\SVN with "Immediate children, including
> folders", so only the folders come in and not their contents
> -Do "fully recursive" update on D:\SVN\SmallFolder to get its contents
> -Create folder E:\SVN
> -Do checkout on E:\SVN with "Immediate children, including folders"
> -Do "fully recursive" update on E:\SVN\BigFolder
> -Remove the .svn folder from D:\SVN\BigFolder to make it
> actually empty (required for junction points)
> -Create junction point from D:\SVN\BigFolder to E:\SVN\BigFolder
> That's it! To Windows Explorer, D:\SVN now looks like a
> complete checkout. However, SVN now gives the errors I posted
> previously.
Hmm, I've not used mount points much. Do you have anything else on the e:\ drive? How about using Disk Manager to remove the e:\ drive and mount it directly as D:\SVN\BigFolder (The "Mount in the following empty NTFS folder" option)? Then you should be able to do the checkout properly...
Note: I cannot try this at the moment so YMMV!
~ mark c
Received on 2011-08-04 10:50:28 CEST