On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Daniel Shahaf <d.s_at_daniel.shahaf.name> wrote:
> Markus Schaber wrote on Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 15:57:00 +0200:
>> Hi, Stefan,
>> Von: Stefan Sperling [mailto:stsp_at_elego.de]
>> > > So I'm not only "detaching" subdirectories, but also "re-implanting"
>> > > them afterwards.
>> >
>> > Sounds like what you really need is this as-of-yet not implemented
>> > feature:
>> > http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3625
>> Yes, that one would definitely help. :-)
>> Maybe extending "svn diff" and "svn patch" to preserve
>> copy/rename/history information would already be half of that
>> implementation? A "shelve" subdir under .svn/ could then be used to
>> store the diff files.
> That's one solution.
> However, wc.db already has the ability to represent multiple related
> trees (via op_depth), so another way would be to extend that into
> storing not only the post-'svn patch' trees too, and then merging them
> in the usual way. (which may require repository communication, or
> storing the pre-patch tree locally too...)
> Perhaps you'd be interested in contributing to the implementation of
> this feature?
Because it interests me, I implemented a simple 'detach' script, which
you can find here:
It's very hacky, and I do, of course, disclaim any harm which may come
to your data which may come as a result of using this script. I am
interested in any bug reports, however.
uberSVN: Apache Subversion Made Easy
Received on 2011-07-25 22:14:58 CEST