Daniel Shahaf <d.s_at_daniel.shahaf.name> wrote on 06/30/2011 09:24:56 AM:
> kmradke_at_rockwellcollins.com wrote on Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 09:06:28
> > Daniel Shahaf <d.s_at_daniel.shahaf.name> wrote on 06/30/2011 07:35:36
> > > I'm going to say this even more clearly:
> > >
> > > If you backup a repository by copying its files while a server is
> > > running, the backup may be created corrupted.
> > >
> > > http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.7#single-db (sic)
> >
> > This does not seem point to any additional warnings about the server
> > side yet (only the client)...
> By the way: that's exactly why I added the "(sic)" marker after the URL
> --- to indicate that it's not the wrong URL, even though it talks about
> the wc and this thread is about the server's backend.
> I suppose the text could be made clearer.
I was wondering about the (sic). Yes, if that portion applies to
the server as well, it needs to have the heading changed to
"server and client" like the rest of the sections, or I think this
statement might warrant it's own section for the server only impact.
(And I'll raise this issue on the dev list. I'd love to have
revprop packing, but not at this cost...)
Kevin R.
Received on 2011-06-30 17:04:28 CEST