Am Dienstag, den 07.06.2011, 08:13 -0500 schrieb Les Mikesell:
> Yes, I have a hard time visualizing how any tool can help with
> concurrent changes if one side doesn't stop while the merges happen
> both ways and the results get back.
Just look at Clearcase (again, sorry :) ). First, it has excellent merge
(tracking) capabilities. People can merge between branches in BOTH
directions as often as they like/need.
And secondly, it prohibits working on branches which don't belong to the
local replica. That means that users on other sites are forced to work
on branches, which are different from the branches being worked on at
the local site.
If you are used to working with branches, it doesn't matter anymore from
which site it comes.
> Some may be better at permitting the teams to keep working while the
> code diverges, but that's not necessarily a good thing.
Well, it is a good thing. That's the purpose of version control systems,
letting people keep working while the code diverges. Having different
replicas of the same repository is just "syntactic sugar".
Firma: Capgemini Deutschland GmbH
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