Hi Bert,
Thanks very much.
Worked fabulously!
Gavin "Beau" Baumanis
On 11/05/2011, at 11:38 AM, Bert Huijben wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Gavin "Beau" Baumanis [mailto:gavin.baumanis_at_palcare.com.au]
>> Sent: woensdag 11 mei 2011 3:22
>> To: Subversion Users
>> Subject: Chkeckout only a portion of a repoistory
>> Hi there,
>> We have a web application that uses Jenkins CI for keeping our staging
> server
>> up to date via svn update.
>> Due to not thinking abut it properly in the beginning,
>> The staging site is actually a working copy of the entire repo (branches
> and
>> tags included)
>> We however, only require the trunk.
>> Is there a way, so that I can remove the branches and tags from a working
>> copy, leaving the trunk in place AND
>> not have any subsequent updates replace the now missing directories and
>> still have a clean WC?
> If you call
> svn up --set-depth exclude PATH
> on your tags and branches folder, they should be completely removed from
> your working copy, leaving a marker that they shouldn't be updated. (You can
> bring them back by --set-depth infinity on a parent or an explicit update of
> PATH itself).
> This option is available for directories since Subversion 1.6. (In 1.7 you
> can also use it to exclude a specific file)
> Bert
Received on 2011-05-11 04:29:45 CEST