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Decompression of svndiff data failed

From: <vystyd_at_oksystem.cz>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 12:20:36 +0200


I use svn co to checkout my repo. All worked fine for a while, but today I get error

Decompression of svndiff data failed: no size

every time I try to do svn co.

I found out that I got these errors not only from svn co, but also from svnsync, svnadmin dump, etc.

This happened after we commited a new version of file in the repo, all operations fail only if they access that subfolder on that commit revision. If I try to access other files, all work fine.

I found "Decompression of svndiff data failed" message only in one file in sources - /libsvn_delta/svndiff.c - in the zlib_decode function. So, probably data in the repository in the file for this revision somehow corrupted during or after commit? Am I right or there's another reason of these errors (I googled, but what I found is not my case)?

And the most important thing. How can I make my repo consistent back now? I can't even make svnadmin dump and erase that revision from dump file...


Petr Vystyd

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