RE: Using tags with SVN
From: Stirnweiss, Siegmund SZ/HZA-ZIT3 <>
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2011 14:29:31 +0200
> From: Bob Archer []
> > I'm currently thinking about migrating from CVS to SVN, since SVN
> So you are saying you test "files" in isolation? That seems a bit unusual I think.
Sorry Bob, I was not precise concerning this point. "Isolation" here means, that the system where we test is not integrated with other systems. And, yes, the files are tested together with the rest of the files from the cvs head.
> In svn you use a "tag" to give a symbolic name to a certain revision also. It's really not all that different.
Yes, you are right. The difference is, that e.g. the "Q" tag is shifted further when a new feature added to the file shall be tested in the QA environment, which is fully integrated. The features I'm talking of are quite fine grained. Due to that it would lead to lots of branches, if we used a branch for each of them.
> > When they have passed the integration tests we use a different tag
> What you described above is exactly what branches are for. Why do you think this would be complicated?
I'm quite new to svn, 'm not yet familiar with it and with the set of commands. Consider the following case: main development is done in trunk and in branches, perhaps. In order to provide a stable version of my files for testing it in my integrated environment I'm using a branch named "Q". A new feature is implemented by one of my colleagues. What would he have to do to get the files making up his new feature into the "Q" branch without losing its connection to the file in trunk?
> I think you are over thinking this... how is tagging a revision that contains the changes for a feature with a "Q" than tagging each file with a "Q"?
My apologies, my English is not that good to understand what you mean with this question.
Thanks, Siggi.
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