On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 11:38:39AM -0400, Clifford Yapp wrote:
> Urm. I see the license changed here:
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/subversion/trunk/LICENSE?revision=878444&view=markup
> So in order to work with svn_ra.h and use LGPLv2 for my code, I'd need
> a clean separation between the svn logic and my code (and any
> re-adjusted client code would also have to remain distinct and Apache
> licensed?)
The LGPLv2 and APLv2 are compatible.
Just list both licences in your copyright notices, and you can
redistribute the derived work containing both Subversion's code
and your own LGPLv2 code. Files from Subversion which you modify
must keep the APLv2 licence -- you cannot simply remove a licence,
nor change it. But you can clearly mark your own changes and licence
them under the LGPLv2 if you think that's worth it. (Note that this would
prevent your changes from being merged into Subversion itself.)
Received on 2011-03-24 17:11:20 CET